HR Practices in Employee Satisfaction


Employee satisfaction is influenced by a variety of factors, including HR practices applied inside an organization. The HR practices listed below are regularly used by my organization to ensure seamless functioning within the corporation. 


Image: Employee satisfaction practices

01- Selection and recruitment 

Employee satisfaction can be increased by ensuring that individuals with the appropriate skills and qualifications are hired through efficient and fair recruiting and selection processes. This can help to reduce turnover and foster a healthy work atmosphere. (Reference: Managing Human Resources, McGraw-Hill Education.)

02- Training and development 

Investing in staff training and development programs can promote job satisfaction by improving skills, building confidence, and creating possibilities for career advancement. It also reflects the organization's commitment to staff development.

03- Performance management 

Implementing efficient performance management systems that provide regular feedback, set clear goals, and recognize employee achievements can all contribute to job happiness. Clear performance objectives and fair evaluation methods foster a sense of fairness and transparency. (Reference: Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance Management. Pearson.)

04- Compensation and benefits 

Employee happiness is dependent on a competitive and equal wage and benefits package. Fair pay practices, incentives, and perks like healthcare, retirement plans, and work-life balance initiatives can enhance employee well-being and job satisfaction.

05- Work-life balance 

Employee happiness can be considerably increased by promoting work-life balance through flexible work arrangements, telecommuting opportunities, and family-friendly policies. Such practices respect employees' personal lives and can reduce stress and boost job happiness. Such practices recognize the importance of employees' personal lives and can reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. (Reference: Allen, T. D., Golden, T. D., & Shockley, K. M. (2015).

06- Employee Engagement 

Creating a culture of employee involvement can positively impact job satisfaction. Employee happiness and commitment can be increased through encouraging open communication, including employees in decision-making, recognizing their achievements, and giving opportunities for growth and progress. (Reference: A. M. Saks (2020).


Every employee aspires to equality and fairness
The responsibility of human resource management is to maintain a satisfied group of employees in the organization.
If the employee is satisfied, it is a very good situation for the development of the company. It is very important to explain the management methods
Chaminda Perera said…
Good effort. A company with different size scale have their own cultural behaviors and own set of rules. It is really impossible to make each and every employee satisfy but atleast can make majority satisfy. So it is utmost important management to treat each imployee equally regardless of gender, race or religion.
E211227_Mohamed said…
Employee satisfaction will have an effect on the company's turnover as well.
employe satisfeaction is really impotent to the company
Employees' satisfaction is vital in order to get the best output from them to the organization. Content of the article has addressed and summarized all important areas that HR can involve in improving of employee satisfaction.
A satisfied and motivated workforce is built on the foundation of effective HR practises. Prioritising employee satisfaction not only increases productivity but also fosters a positive workplace culture through open communication and growth opportunities.